Toto "Tour in Malaysia" nampaknya akan berubah tempat. Memula dalam website rasmi dorang tulis main dekat Stadium Negara. Tapi aku baca surat khabar pagi ni, venue konsert macam dah bertukar pulak. Pergi ke Perdana Lakeview East, sebelah Cyberview Lodge Resort & Spa.
Harga tiket paling murah RM 50 & paling mahal RM 200..huhuh
Untuk berita penuh, klik sini..
Some people live their dreams
Some people close their eyes
Some people's destiny
Passes by
There are no guarantees
There are no alibis
That's how our love must be
Don't ask why
It takes some time
God knows how long
I know that I can forget you
As soon as my heart stops breakin'
As soon as forever is through
I'll be over you
Remembering times gone by
Promises we once made
What are the reasons why
Nothing stays the same
There were the nights holding you close
Someday I'll try to forget them
Someday I'll be over you
Some people's destiny
Passes by
There are no guarantees
There are no alibis
That's how our love must be
Don't ask why
It takes some time
God knows how long
I know that I can forget you
As soon as my heart stops breakin'
As soon as forever is through
I'll be over you
Remembering times gone by
Promises we once made
What are the reasons why
Nothing stays the same
There were the nights holding you close
Someday I'll try to forget them
Someday I'll be over you
5 ulasan:
Zan, kat mana ni tempat ni?
ala....dah bagus2 Stadium Negara. Apa?? tak class ke Toto main tempat Stadium Negara?
Ni mesti promoter nak tempat prestige gitu kot?
Tapi aku tak tahu tempat tu kat mana. Aku tahu la nanti ramai omputeh punye gi nengok TOTO, konpem ramai mat salleh pegi, tapi siak la...main tempat aku tak pernah dengar pun...
ooo dekat putrajaya sana eh.. tak pernah pegi pun aku putrajaya tu..
malam ada bus tak? mrt ke whatever subway train ke...
leceh ler ni macam.
Tapi serious bebual korang semua yang 50-50 nak pegi ke tak, aku tak bedek,
TOTO live ialah suatu pengalaman yang mengejutkan dan best giler wa cakap.
Aku insyaallah setakat ari ni aku kompom pergi (reserve untuk esok2 kot ada aral yang datang). Ko tak tau tempat, takpe. Aku boleh pikap ko dari KL. Ko call je aku nanti, kita pergi sama. Cuma aku sekarang tak tau nak beli tiket yang harga berapa punya. Tapi maybe bukan RM 50 nyer tiket. Ape yang nampak..hehe
Jangan lupa aku...hehehe
Aku rasa dorang perform sempena F1 anjuran ke 10 kot.
Deaf...jgn risau....pasal transport kalau ko ke sini memang takde masalah
hai zan dan ijan,
aku nengok cammana, pasal aku dah cek rota, hari tu aku kena keja. Nengok aku bleh ambik leave ke tukar2 rota ngan kawan2 aku ke tak.
Kalo aku pegi aku bilang korang...
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